The Birth Of Eve Page 6
Chapter 8
As the limo pulled up to Leicester Square Eve was suddenly crippled with nerves, there were crowds of fans shouting. She imagined most were here for the two leading men, Nathan and Tom. Cameras were flashing and she could sense the anticipation of the crowds as her limo pulled up. Sally grasped her arm
“Nathan is right behind us, walk up to the first lot of photographers and he will join you there. You look stunning, don’t fidget with your dress, walk slowly and above all smile. This is your moment to be discovered, after tonight everyone will know your name and you will be launched into the media. Enjoy every minute you have so much potential don’t waste this chance” After her wise words Eve felt her strength return and as the door opened for her she carefully stepped out. Her dress parted and the photographers had some great shots of her long legs and new shoes.
As she approached the first bank of cameras, she paused to pose for photos as she had been instructed. Her eyes were dazzled by all the flashes but amongst the faces shouting her name she saw a very familiar one that almost stopped her heart. Rory was smiling at her from the back a smug look on his face. Eve felt her smile weaken and almost crumpled when two arms came up behind her and swept her onwards along the carpet. Nathan. They stopped at each photo stop and posed together; reporters were shouting questions which they ignored totally. After an hour of strutting their stuff they finally met up with Christopher to find their seats. Nathan for the first time got to look at Eve fully.
“I am blown away Eve, I knew you were beautiful, I couldn’t imagine you ever looking more so that is until now. I can’t begin to tell you how amazing you look; every pair of eyes has been fixed of you. I am the luckiest man alive. Now tell me who the creep was that scared you to death at the first stop?” Eve couldn’t believe he had noticed that, fortunately Christopher interrupted and she avoided answering. She had no idea why Rory was there but it could only be bad news, she pushed it to the back of her mind and did her best to enjoy every minute of the evening.
The film was wonderful, Nathan looked gorgeous dressed as a knight, and she still felt like pinching herself as she looked down at their hands entwined. She did notice herself too, although she had only had few lines and been an extra Christopher had kept her image in shots, none of the scenes she had been in had been cut. She also noticed as the film progressed the camera seemed to hone in on her, she was certainly unmissable. When the credits rolled she was stunned to see her name on them, she was still in shock when the auditorium erupted into applause and the lights came back on. Sally was whispering with Christopher and Nathan took the opportunity to congratulate her.
“The camera loves you Eve, did you really not notice how much the cameras were following you on set?” she shook her head still bewildered
“You are so, humble that is what makes you so appealing to the audience, you have a vulnerability that is attractive to both sexes. Your future is very bright Eve remember tonight, this is where it all began” Eve nodded tears brimming; Nathan wiped them away and stroked her cheeks. Then they were escorted to the after party, Eve imagined Nathan being dragged away from her but he did not let go of her for the entire evening. Actually she found that she received as much attention as he did; from the press and other well-known celebrities. When Dame Judy Dench introduced herself Eve almost fainted, she spoke only briefly but inferred how lovely it would be to work with her one day. Wow was the word of the day, especially after Christopher took them to one side.
“Eve I have a new movie due to start production in December. The film is based in Los Angeles and I want you two in it together, as supporting roles. It is too soon for you to be a leading lady so this is the next logical step for both of you. Launching you over here in a British based film is one thing, next we need you to translate to the US audience. I want you both to come over for a few days to read through the scripts and see what you think, maybe in two weeks’ time if you can?
Nathan answered on her behalf as she was too dumbstruck to respond. When he walked away Nathan lifted her up and span her around, she giggled in delight a few amused glances were cast their way. Nathan whispered conspiratorially
“I am going to head back to the hotel, would you like to join me?” Eve knew what he was asking and she couldn’t be happier, nodding shyly he wrote down his room number and gave her a lingering kiss that made her want to jump him then and there. Eve watched as he walked away and waited twenty minutes before she made her excuses and followed after him. She touched up her make up in the back of her limo and she felt a herd of cattle running around in her stomach. She needed to tell him about Rory first, the question of contraception was bound to come up. Would he still want her? Her mood sank a little as she made her way to the elevator. She halted when a blonde heavily pregnant girl stepped directly in front of her with a look of hatred on her face.
“Leave Nathan alone bitch” Eve stumbled backwards, who the hell was she? She recalled the rumours of a pregnant girlfriend and her heart sunk
“I am Sasha, his expectant girlfriend, when it suits him. He pays me to keep quiet you know, he wanted to pay me to have an abortion but I refused. I did warn you to stay away but you just wouldn’t listen would you bitch? I am carrying his child and I will be his wife, you are a distraction but now you are over” the girl slapped Eve right across the face. The lift doors opened and Eve took the opportunity to escape; sobbing as the doors closed to behind her. She knew he was too good to be true; thank God she hadn’t let him too close. What was he playing at? Eve couldn’t equate tender sweet Nathan with the one who would pay a girl to destroy a baby.
Inside her hotel room the tears flowed unhindered, she was furious and felt so foolish, she couldn’t possibly work with him now. Was that what this was? Christopher had asked him to get close to her just so he could increase her profile. That is what Sally had said but she hadn’t absorbed the impact of that. Snatching her phone she sent a nasty text to Nathan basically telling him to do one then sank to the floor an emotional wreck.
Her phone rang half an hour later, expecting it to be Nathan grovelling she was about to silence it but luckily in time saw that it was Christopher Novak. Pull yourself together Eve; you may be able to salvage your career if you try. Eve answered trying to steady her voice. “Hello”
“Eve I believe you met a young woman tonight at the hotel” Eve was silent, how did he know
“Eve I need to tell you about Sasha before you jump to the wrong conclusions” Eve interrupted
“Christopher I appreciate your call but if you have been asked by Nathan to try and repair the damage I think you are wasting your time.” He was quick to reply
“Nathan hasn’t spoken to me tonight; a receptionist witnessed the altercation and reported it to me the moment I got back. Sasha is a tribulation we are all enduring; she was an exotic dancer who had a plan to change her life. She seduced Nathan one night when he was on a drinking spree, he fell for her, or so he thought. She however had her own agenda. Within a month of them being together she was pregnant, despite her professing to be safe and taking the necessary precautions.” Eve could tell he didn’t feel comfortable with this chat!
“She hoped for a proposal but once he realised she had tricked him he ended their relationship. Nathan always had the intention of supporting his child. Sasha threatened to abort the baby unless he paid her money, so he paid her off to keep the child. Now she is threatening to give it up for adoption and is exhorting more cash that way. Make no mistake, Nathan was an idiot but he has been dealing with an imbalanced woman. He intends to get custody of the baby as she doesn’t want it, unless he marries her of course.” Eve felt awful at the conclusions she had jumped to; but still this was a huge secret to keep from her, then again she was keeping a large one herself. She needed to see him and apologise, and hope he would forgive her, it was time for honesty. Christopher bid her goodnight and Eve straightened out her dress.
Eve practically ran barefoot to Nathan’s room knocking o
n the door desperate to see his face. When he pulled it open she threw herself into his arms sobbing. Nathan swept her off her feet in one move and carried her to the bedroom. Sitting on the edge he waited for her to calm down;
“Eve honey it is okay now; don’t cry, look at me please” Eve wiped her tears and looked at him for the first time, he sucked in a breath when he saw her red cheek, Eve had completely forgotten about that.
“Did she hit you?” Eve nodded as he stroked her face “Jesus Eve I am so sorry, she is a total head case, I totally understand why you were so angry. I should have told you all about her a long time ago, she is trouble I am so sorry” Eve shook her head
“I am sorry too, I have my own demons and I shouldn’t expect you to open up if I don’t” Eve took a deep breath “You asked me about the man I saw earlier?” He was suddenly very attentive
“He is called Rory, when I was in the care home he groomed me to be his girlfriend when I was fifteen. I got pregnant after a few months of being his adoring puppy; because of my age he took me to a back street clinic to have an abortion. He was so angry that I had risked exposing him for rape of a minor” Nathan was riled up already
“Rory dropped me off at the home and took off; I haven’t seen him since, until today. Anyway I reacted badly to the abortion and contracted a severe infection. Tara took care of me secretly but in the end she had to get help and I was rushed to hospital. I had to have a full hysterectomy, and now I am unable to have children, I am sorry for not telling you. If this alters things I totally understand, why you would want a woman who can’t give you a family.” Eve was rambling but soon stopped when she saw his face.
“Eve I have only ever wanted you, if it is just you and I for the rest of our lives that is fine with me. As for the arsehole, let Sally deal with him, any problems you must tell us straight away, we all have skeletons Eve we just have to learn how to manage them. You are all I want and I will prove that to you”
Nathan stood up and pulled her to her feet, saying nothing he reached around her and unzipped her dress so it fell to the floor in a puddle. He groaned as he saw her body for the first time, his lips met hers in frenzy. Before she could take a breath Eve found herself naked and being worshipped by an equally naked and delicious Nathan. His body was even more dramatic in the flesh; his perfectly toned torso was smooth and rigid under her fingers. As he plunged into her she welcomed him with a moan and together they were swept away on a wave of sensation that continued well into the early morning.
Chapter 9
Eve woke up to a gloriously naked Nathan pressed tightly against her. Eve peeked at him through her lashes; she had a sudden thought for her appearance. She had been crying before he ravaged her; God only knows what state her makeup was in. Hating the idea of him seeing her looking at her worst she slid out of the bed and tiptoed to the large bathroom. There were bathrobes provided so she decided to take a shower. She looked at herself in the mirror horrified at the streaky black face and wild tangled hair. Blimey no wonder the movies don’t show the after effects of a sex romp, it would put you off for life.
Eve felt wonderful this morning, sex with Rory had always been rough and very one sided. Nathan had made her come at least as often as he did; he was attentive, gentle and very talented. Eve’s body clenched at the memory and she suddenly wanted to speed her shower up to get back to her lover. Rinsing her hair she reached for the towel to wipe her eyes, as she dried them she noticed a naked Nathan leaning against the tiles watching her surreptitiously. Eve was enjoying his appraisal not feeling the slightest bit self-conscious after their marathon of love making.
Watching his every move she shuffled over as he joined her in the large shower cubicle, Eve decided to help him get clean and dropped to her knees in front of him. Nathan murmured his appreciations as he returned the favour and the pair inevitably ended up back in the bed locked together once more. Sometime later the phone trilled loudly and woke them both up, Eve couldn’t believe she had nodded off again.
“Shit its eleven we need to check out and I am in the wrong room.” Eve slipped on her dress from last night whilst Nathan explained to Sally she was on her way down now. Eve scampered unnoticed back to her room after a long lingering kiss, Nathan promised to follow her back to Cheshire now his theatre stint was over.
Sally was waiting for her outside her room, hands on hips; Eve blushed when she caught the glint in her eye.
“Eve Purnell I am so shocked; now quickly pack your bag we have a train to catch” Giggling like a school girl she shoved her few things into her bag after slipping back into the jeans and blouse she had travelled in. Sally was filling her in on the morning gossip columns;
“The papers are saying wonderful things about you, we need to sit on the train and read through them, nothing negative so far apart from your taste in men.” They laughed, as they checked out the receptionist handed her an envelope. Apparently it had been left for her this morning. In the back of the cab Eve opened it whilst Sally was loading her bag in the boot; she slid out the contents and immediately stuffed them back into the envelope heart thumping in her chest. Rory had sent her some old photos and a letter; she would deal with it at home not here not now.
Sat in a first class carriage Sally and Eve had devoured every snippet of media attention; online and in print, all from last night’s premiere. The majority were positive and Eve was quite overcome by some of the descriptions laid upon her appearance. The words stunning; world class beauty and flawless were not usually ones Eve equated with herself. Some people did criticise her choice in men but most were calling them Hollywood’s new golden couple. The future was heading towards Eve at a rate that took her breath away; she was really glad to reach her front door. There were a couple of cars parked at the nursery car park next door with Lenses poking out, so her life would now be scrutinised. She had better warn Tara and Michael as soon as possible; the door opened for her and Michael pulled her into a bear hug.
“Eve I missed you; we are so glad to have you home where you belong” Eve was a little perturbed, it had only been forty eight hours hardly a separation. She decided now was the time to tell him she would be heading off to LA in two weeks.
“Michael, hi how are you? Where is Tara did she let you in?” He let go of her frowning
“She has been out all day I haven’t seen her, sorry but I wanted to see you straight away so I used the spare key off the hook. I told Tara I was borrowing it” Eve wasn’t totally comfortable with him having his own key but would leave it for now.
“Nathan will be here in an hour or so, he is staying for a while; we are heading off to LA to read through a script in two weeks so I will be gone for a few days then.” Michael was agitated and Eve couldn’t work out whether it was because of Nathan or the trip to LA.
“Well that is lovely for you Eve; perhaps you shouldn’t rush things with Nathan though he has rather an unsavoury reputation you know. What about this girl he supposedly got pregnant and then deserted?” Eve didn’t appreciate relationship advice from a man who had only just met her, she also realised he must have been snooping into Nathan’s past.
“The press get the wrong idea about certain things, it is a private matter. Nathan has been totally open with me about his past and if I can accept it then you should be able to as well.” He looked like he wanted to disagree but a knock at the door interrupted them, he sat down on the sofa sulking. Eve let Nathan in and kissed him chastely before leading him into the lounge. Nathan’s face dropped when he spotted her father, she was going to have to bang both their heads together at this rate.
Tara arrived home as she was putting the kettle on, Eve could hear her saying hello to Nathan and she came straight in to hug Eve.
“How was your weekend? I am guessing it went very well as you have brought him home with you.” Eve shut the kitchen door and gave Tara a brief rundown of the Sasha and Rory incidents; she was very reassuring about Nathan’s predicament. Eve was relieved she hadn’t judged him t
he way she herself had. She then told her about Rory turning up on the red carpet, Tara was horrified
“Rory has sent me a couple of photos and a letter; I haven’t even looked at them yet. I imagine he is going to squeeze me for cash but I can’t let Nathan see he will go nuts.” Tara offered to read it alone up stairs for her, just to put her mind at ease. Eve thought it was a good idea and between them they cleverly engineered Tara’s sudden need for a shower, giving her time to check the envelopes contents. Eve was nervously waiting when Tara finally reappeared; she also looked quite tense. Michael excused himself as he had a potential bride and groom to chat with; so the three of them were alone. Tara grabbed the chance to tell Eve what was in the letter while Nathan took a phone call outside.
“He wants to meet you alone Eve, he is threatening to publish images of you smoking weed and one of you giving him a blow job” Eve’s face paled considerably at the memory, he had promised that he had deleted that image.
“Eve you can’t meet him alone it’s too dangerous, he will hurt you or blackmail you. You know what he is like he will be in this for the long haul; he will bleed you dry. He has written down his number for you so you can meet. How about I tag along discreetly to make sure he doesn’t get violent.” Eve paused as she looked at her lovely friend, no way would she allow her to get involved in this.
“No way Tara, he hit you once before for interfering I will not have the two of you anywhere near each other and that is final.” Tara was about to argue when Nathan walked back in.