The Birth Of Eve Page 5
Saturday morning the girls put their scruffs on and Michael arrived at eleven. He looked very different in normal clothes, he was tall well-built and quite handsome. There were boxes of tools; Eve recalled that her father was always fixing, hammering or building things. He had some very expensive items which Eve decided she would keep for her own DIY. Perhaps she could do a course or something to make her handier. Covered in cobwebs and dust Eve picked up a large claw hammer, before she knew what was happening Michael had grabbed it from her;
“Eve, don’t touch that! Look at the claw” Eve stared stunned at the sharp metal edges and noticed some hairs crusted on the end. Her throat constricted, this could be the murder weapon
“Oh no we have both put our finger prints on it, they won’t be able to lift any now” Michael seemed far too cool about the whole thing.
“Ian’s fingerprints would have worn off by now anyway, if they can match the hairs with Leila’s at least will confirm whether it is the murder weapon or not.” Eve sort of agreed but was still cross he had snatched it from her and contaminated the handle. She rang Detective Newton and fetched a carrier bag to put it in. An hour later it had been taken away, the forensics officer was also unimpressed they had been sloppy with the handling. He took their prints anyway to eliminate them in case any others were found. The rest of the day passed by uneventfully, Michael stayed until quite late, Eve loved having him around and by the looks of it so did Tara.
“I am just going back to Michael’s with him to borrow a book, I won’t be long” Eve was unhappy at the bond growing between them, she knew Tara too well. It was obvious Michael would not entertain a relationship with her, but Eve could already see an attachment forming on her friend’s side. This may be something she should talk to Michael about if it started to get too intense.
The morning of the funeral arrived, as did a letter from the hospital. Eve stared down at it knowing Michael was probably doing the same thing. Slipping into her all-purpose black dress, hair tied back she grabbed the envelope and headed to the church. Father Michael was waiting to greet her at the steps of the enormous arched doors. He was also holding his letter,
“Did you get your letter? I decided to wait for you so we could find out the results together.” Eve got hers out from her bag and she slid her finger along the edge and slid out the letter. Michael closed his eyes and waited; Eve read the words over and over allowing them to sink in. Michael grabbed her wrist unable to wait any longer
“Tell me please I can’t bear it” Eve looked up at him tears in her eyes, he could see the answer written on her face; smiling he pulled her into an awkward embrace.
“Welcome home daughter” they stayed like that for a while until the funeral directors arrived with her mother’s coffin. Drying her face they held hands and walked behind the coffin containing the remains of Leila, up the aisle to the pulpit.
Only Eve and Michael were present, Eve had arranged for her mother’s rosary and a family photo to be buried with her. Paying for the funeral had wiped had some out of Ian’s remaining savings but after killing her it was the least he could do. Eve sat whilst Michael spoke a little on her behalf he paused mid-sentence and a look of resentment came over his face. Eve turned and saw Nathan walking down the aisle towards her, he had come to support her. Her heart soared but she looked anxiously at the two men; hoping they would not spoil what was supposed to be a memorable goodbye for her mother.
Nathan nodded to Michael and sat beside Eve taking her hand she beamed gratefully at him. They sat through the rest of the prayers, Michael seemed put out he was there. Eve felt he was becoming a little possessive of her it would only get worse now their relationship had been confirmed. But in a way that made her feel more cherished. She felt emotional today, but not about Leila’s murder but about the fact she had never been told her who her father was. She had spent sixteen years feeling abandoned; she could have been with her father who would have loved her. Pushing her resentments away she followed the casket to the graveside. The three of them threw rose petals onto her as she was lowered into the ground.
“Rest in peace now mum” Eve thought and felt good that she was finally at peace. They wandered up to the pub for a drink, Tara arrived thankfully so distracted Michael from giving Nathan evil glances. Eve took Nathan to one side to tell him about the test results.
“Thank you for coming Nathan I really appreciate it. I have something to tell you, we had our DNA results today Michael is my father. Can you deal with that? I know you are wary of him” He shook his head
“I am happy for you Eve and what makes you happy is good for me. I promise to be on my best behaviour, I have a night off the stage tonight, and if you want me to stay over in the spare room I can” She smiled leaning upwards to kiss him
“Yes please” he stared down at her longing to hold her and worship her but he knew the time had to be right and it wasn’t now. Tara came over to warn them she had seen someone snap a picture of them together. Eve panicked she wasn’t ready to be plastered all over the papers just yet.
“Let me go and stop them” offered Michael and before she could answer he took off with Tara to catch the photographer. After twenty minutes they returned Tara looked pale, Michael defiant.
“You didn’t need to scare the poor woman she was just a fan” he looked at her to hush her up and she fell silent. Eve looked from one to the other waiting for an explanation, Tara kept silent. Her father spoke up to defend himself.
“I only pointed out the error of her ways, we watched her delete the snap and I personally checked her phone so you can rest easy your picture will not make tomorrows paper” Eve smiled uncertainly, whatever method he had used had not been approved of by her friend.
“Tara, is that what happened?” she looked up to speak but caught Michaels glare and then her face looked resigned
“Yes he just stressed to her it may not be the wisest thing to do, so she deleted it end of story now can I get a drink in peace please” Tara marched off with Michael frowning after her. Nathan was studying the exchange too and after Michael followed Tara to the bar, he faced her;
“Eve don’t try and tell me that wasn’t weird, he was definitely scaring her into being quiet then. She was white as a sheet when they walked through the door” Eve brushed it off, she had just found her father and she wasn’t about to think badly of him without evidence. Instead of arguing with him however she said her goodbyes to Michael and Tara; took Nathan’s hand and led him back home. Nathan looked at her curiously as she dragged him straight upstairs
“Don’t get any ideas Romeo; I just want you to hold me for a while. Just you and me, no father no Tara, just us, oh and by the looks of it the cat as well” She giggled as Nathan carefully lifted Freud off her pillow and placed him gently on the floor. She removed her shoes and crawled onto the bed into Nathan’s waiting arms.
They spent a long time lying on her bed talking; kissing and holding each other. Eve knew she was pushing the boundaries here, he was struggling to maintain a control and frankly so was she. As his hand slid gently under her dress they heard the door bang downstairs. Sitting up abruptly Nathan grinned at her.
“Thank God a libido killer, woman you will be my undoing, this is so not how I normally behave with a beautiful woman. Do you know since meeting you I have not been affected by any other female?” Eve grinned sheepishly at him, she really wanted to offer herself on a plate but after Rory she was still holding herself back. Next weekend was the premier in London; perhaps it would all fall into place then.
Chapter 7
Monday morning her agent Sally Marr was on the phone
“Eve honey, there is a photo of you with Nathan in today’s Mirror; apparently someone caught you going into the house holding hands. It’s a stunning picture of you both and to be honest sweetie this couldn’t have happened at a better time ready for the premier. I haven’t told you yet but Christopher Novak is keen to raise your profile; apparently he found you mesmerising on
screen.” Eve was bouncing up and down on the sofa whilst poor Freud was trying to sleep on her lap.
“Anyway our plan was to get you noticed together at the premier; this however has given us a perfect platform for this weekend. Darling I am spending all of Saturday with you for a full glamorising day. We are going to turn you from an extra into leading lady over the next few months so enjoy the ride. But Eve be wary of anyone new, do not talk to strangers or any one pertaining to be a friend. You are now fully exposed so be prepared. See you Saturday I will email you your itinery, Nathan is meeting you on the red carpet, take care sweetie.” After hanging up the phone Freud was practically tossed across the room as she stood up to pirouette around the lounge.
“Oh my God Freud I am famous, well almost” She sat down again skeletons may come knocking, Rory! She prayed he was in prison or moved abroad, he would take great delight in wrecking her chances. Plus she hadn’t wanted to be known as another of Nathan’s girls, things had changed since she had told him that. At least she would now be able to walk down the red carpet with him without regret; she didn’t like the idea of doing it alone. Michael appeared in the kitchen making her jump and the kitten screech.
“Sorry Eve the back door was open” Eve didn’t remember unlocking the back door this morning, and as much as she was becoming attached to her new father she didn’t like him turning up at his will.
“I was actually going food shopping this morning, so maybe come back later” she saw the instant hurt in his eyes so quickly tried to soften the blow, meanwhile Freud was scratching at his feet, whilst he tried to kick her off.
“You can come back for your tea if you like” that seemed to appease him so she said good bye then grabbed her coat and shopping list to pop to Tesco.
She bought a copy of the daily mirror there and had a look at their photo, Nathan looked stunning as usual. Eve sadly looked plain and ordinary beside him, the quote was “an understated beauty.” Worried about his reputation she decided he deserved better, she would shine on his arm on Saturday. He would be proud and the papers would not be using “understated” to describe her anymore.
When she parked up back home in front of the garage she unloaded her bags, and walked to the front gate. She noticed a woman in a baseball hat on the opposite side of the road crouching down.
“Hello are you okay?” the woman stood and looked sadly over to her, when she saw Eve she froze and looked nervous all of a sudden. Eve couldn’t make out her face properly beneath the cap; seeing Eve head over to her she swiftly walked away. Eve looked down at the road where she had been crouching and saw what appeared to be a dead animal. Recognising the ginger fur Eve dropped to her knees on the floor to take a closer look.
It was Freud, the woman had gone, and it crossed her mind that she may have been the one to hit him. Eve was alone with the tiny bundle, she checked him hoping to find a tiny heart beat but he was definitely gone. She knew when she left he had been inside, but had he slipped by her ankles as she left? Eve was devastated; she knew Tara would be too. Eve went inside and fetched a shoe box using Freud’s blanket from his bed; she wrapped him up tightly and placed the lid gently on top. She would leave him in the garage until Tara returned; maybe they could bury him together.
Eve was unloading the shopping numbly; a day that had started so well had now turned sour. She still could not work out why she hadn’t noticed Freud slip by her; Michael had left by the back door maybe he had inadvertently let him out. Eve didn’t want to blame him but she was sure she would have been more careful. Her phone rang, it was Nathan
“Hey gorgeous thought I would say hi before I go on stage. I can’t wait for London this weekend; did you see the paper today?” Eve had momentarily forgotten the photo
“Yes I did and before you ask I am fine about it, I wonder who took it though? I have to make sure next time I am not wearing black, I looked so drab next to you.” Nathan reassured her but he was noting a strange undertone in their conversation and asked if she was okay.
“Not really, I came home from shopping and found Freud dead by the side of the road; it looked like his neck was broken. I am so upset he must have escaped either when Michael went out of the back door or me the front, I am sure I would have spotted him though.” Nathan was quick to make his mind up about the accident.
“Honey you would have noticed, no doubt at all on that one. Michael however hates the cat he probably didn’t take as much care over ensuring its safety” Eve was offended at his insinuation
“He didn’t hate Freud; actually it was the other way round, I am sure if he did let him out, then it was entirely accidental.” Nathan was steadfast in his opinion so Eve changed the subject and soon they said their goodbyes as normal and Eve finished unpacking. Tara came home in high spirits that was until Eve took her out to see Freud.
“Oh poor thing, don’t blame yourself Eve, it could have happened to either of us he was a speedy little thing. It is odd that being hit by a car broke his neck though; I would expect him to be crushed. Never mind we should bury him now really in case he starts smelling the place out.”
The two girls dug a hole deep enough to prevent him being dug up by foxes, they dug under a large rose bush so they could remember him. After covering him over they sat on the grass and both had a little weep together, Michael appeared at that moment.
“Hi ladies I wondered why you weren’t answering the door, is everything alright you look upset” Eve filled him in on the accident. He seemed genuinely concerned he may have been to blame, sweeping aside any doubts she had about his intentions to Freud. In fact Michael disappeared and then returned with a small wooden cross to mark the grave. Tara was overwhelmed with gratitude and hugged him profusely causing Eve to frown at the pair. She wandered into the kitchen to make a start on tea, while Tara picked her dad’s brains over some theory or other on parallel dimensions.
The week continued in a similar vein; Michael came for tea most evenings, he wasn’t happy about her leaving him at the weekend. Eve became a little frustrated at his apparent selfishness; he had to learn her career was important to her.
During the day Eve made a start on beautifying the garden whilst Tony worked on the garage conversion. Thankfully discovering a dead body had not put him off the job. It was Friday and Tara waved Eve off at the station for her train ride to London, she didn’t like leaving her alone with her dad around. Her attachment to Michael was beginning to worry her; she resolved to talk to him on her return.
After a very comfortable train ride she was met at the station by Sally and a limo. They had both checked in to the Mayfair Hotel by early evening. Tomorrow was going to be a big day and Eve was nervous about allowing herself to be styled. Shying away from attention was going to be impossible after this weekend. Part of her relished the adventure she was about to begin, the other part wanted to run a mile. Nathan rang her room, he had just checked in on the floor above. They met in the bar with Sally and some other actors who were in the movie; plus of course Christopher Novak. He seemed to make it his mission to monopolise her company for the evening so she didn’t get a moment to chat at all to Nathan. As they all parted ways; Nathan found an opportunity to get her alone to say goodbye he kissed her on both cheeks and whispered;
“Until tomorrow, see you on the red carpet.” A shiver ran down her body and she smiled up at him as Sally swept her into the elevator back to her suite.
“You two will be arriving separately tomorrow, but we are going to time it so you are able to walk the carpet together. I will call for you nine sharp in the morning for the spa treatments downstairs okay?” Eve hugged her agent, they were very close and Sally had been wonderful over the five years they had worked together.
Eve settled into the silk covers trying to induce sleep, the last thing she needed was eye bags. Tomorrow was going to be the biggest day of her career so far she wanted to be fully prepared.
After a morning of facials, waxing and threading Eve’s skin was tingling all over
as Sally and she had a quiet lunch together in her room. The afternoon schedule included her dress fitting, Sally had organised a dress for her and shoes too. Eve was taking a huge risk allowing her to select something but she trusted her fully. Fashion awareness and choosing clothes was not something Eve excelled in. The hair stylist was coming at four; Sally suggested soft curls and her hair down. Eve’s hair reached the middle of her back, but as she always tied it up Sally decided it would make the most dramatic impression.
Four hours later Eve was standing in front of the mirror open mouthed at the woman looking back at her. Sally had chosen a dress by a top designer; it was silver grey off the shoulder with a fitted bodice that fell to a ruffled waterfall effect skirt slit open on one side. The bodice gave her curves an hour glass appearance, her breasts displayed in all their glory. Eve wanted to fold her arms but at the same time couldn’t help but stare at her own image. The unfeasibly high shoes were Manolo Blahniks’ apparently; they were also silver with jewelled straps across the toes. Her eyes had been given a sultry Smokey look and for the first time in her life she was wearing red lipstick. Tears filled her eyes as she took it all in, her full glossy brown hair looked windswept and fell over her shoulders, Nathan wouldn’t recognise her.
“Don’t cry Eve it took a long time to get your eyes looking so amazing, now you look like a leading lady. I can guarantee that it will be your face on all the front pages this week, you look absolutely fantastic. I feel quite emotional myself, Christopher will be so proud. Let’s go your public are waiting” The woman in the mirror smiled and Eve for once agreed, she did look beautiful; it was her time to shine now, no more hiding in the shadows. She stepped into the corridor and into the rest of her life.