The Birth Of Eve
The Birth of Eve
Author E.S Hoy Copyrighted 2013
Eve could hear her sister Izzy and her mother whispering in low voices; both thinking Eve was safely tucked away in bed. Hearing her father’s panic as he paced the floors downstairs had woken the nine year old and she cowered quietly sitting at the foot of the stairs.
Eve was a sensitive child; she picked up on an atmosphere even at her young age. Her father’s fear and mothers panic were making her tremble. Her mother was trying to get answers from her father;
“Are we sure he has come back? Has someone definitely seen him? We don’t want to panic if it’s all just rumours” Her father was insistent
“Brenda next door saw him herself, there was no doubt that it was him. It is only a matter of time before he decides to drop in on us and we can’t let him see her; he will ask too many questions.” Her mum started crying
“I know we can’t involve the police, but it is ridiculous he has got away with this. Izzy you have no choice; you must leave now with Eve before he sees you both” Izzy was now sobbing loudly
“Mum I don’t want to leave you, Eve will be so confused, I can’t take care of her on the streets” Her father tried to reassure his daughter;
“Izzy the priority is Eve, you two have to be safe. Take her to a hostel or a bed and Breakfast in the city for a while. If we can find out why he is here and persuade him to leave, then you can both come home. Otherwise we will send you money to help you out, but you must keep moving around so he can never trace you.”
Eve was scared; she didn’t want to be sent away, she loved her big sister but the idea of living without her parents was terrifying. Eve crawled back up the stairs devastated; her family didn’t want her anymore. Something broke inside her that night, if her family didn’t want her then nobody ever would.
Chapter 1
Eve was in another world, her skirts were heavy and the tightly laced corset was making her breathing laboured. She was carrying a wooden jug full of Meade, serving the long table full of knights. One knight in particular was paying her far too much attention, as she passed by him; he gave her a cheeky slap on her behind. Eve was tempted to tip the contents of the jug all over him, but she knew her role, instead she lowered her eyes and passed by.
The knight gave her a wink and Eve almost jolted to a stop, her gaze was held by his startling blue eyes. Those eyes had been intruding in her dreams these past few days. Annoyed at herself for allowing his flirtations to rock her; spurred her forwards with a swish of her skirts.
“CUT” the atmosphere changed and everyone shifted around and relaxed. “Okay gang that’s a wrap thanks for finally getting that scene right now beggar off home. Go and get glammed up for our wrap party” Eve smiled at the producers tone, she admired Christopher Novak greatly. When she had been requested to be an extra in his latest British movie she had been totally honoured. Eve bustled out as fast as she could to her dressing room, she shared it with eleven other extra’s and it was always a rush to beat the crowd. Tonight however, she was the only female extra left. Eve relished having some space to manoeuvre her huge costume; these skirts were crippling her back and she was desperate to slip her jeans back on.
Going home was a depressing thought, after three months in Ireland living out a fantasy on a movie set; Altrincham was going to be grey in comparison. Still she was looking forward to seeing her flat mate Tara James, they had never been apart for this long; it had been hard on both of them. But it was also sad to be leaving such a beautiful place.
The relief of stepping out of her layers of skirts was instant; she had just about slipped her sweater on and stepped into her jeans when the door swung open.
“Hey do you mind I’m not finished in here yet” she heard a snigger and her heart thudded, Nathan Matheson, the knight in shining armour and the producer’s pet project. Nathan was a rising star, after appearing in Game of Thrones he was launched into stardom. Women adored him producers sought him. Nathan could almost name his price and he knew it. Eve had no option but to fancy him, it was a given; with his stunning face and athletic body what female could resist? What held Eve back was his reputation, Nathan was photographed constantly with different women, there was also a rumour he had got his last long term girlfriend pregnant. The rumour mill was alleging he had paid her off with hush money and tried to get her to terminate the pregnancy. Now here he was with a rueful smile leaning against the wall openly staring at her partially bare legs.
“So Eve it has been a fun three months, I hope to work with you again soon. I wondered if I may escort you to the party tonight.” Eve stared at him flabbergasted; had he really just asked her out? No way was she going to be another notch on his bed post.
“Sorry but I am only staying for a little while, I have a ferry to catch and I promised Aggie I would go with her, she doesn’t know anyone else.” Nathan actually appeared disappointed he played the part of an injured soul very well, so when he left the room Eve couldn’t decide whether he was genuine or not.
“Oh pull yourself together he will ask the next girl he meets once he gets outside” Eve raced out to jump in a taxi back to the digs. The extras were all staying in a large house the producer had rented for them, it was enormous but with three hundred guests it needed to be. Eve dragged herself up stairs to her twin room; Aggie was lying on her bed groaning.
“Ag what is it? Are you okay?” she moaned again holding her stomach
“I have a bug or something; I have been here all afternoon on and off the toilet. I was hoping it would be out of my system before the party.” She shot up off the bed and into the bathroom, Eve tried to block out the noise of vomiting; she decided to get ready in the empty suite next door. Eve grabbed her plain black dress and shouted to Aggie where she was going and left her to it. Her suitcase had been packed already; it was stacked along with everyone else’s in the huge hallway down stairs.
As she stepped into the shower she was worried, turning up alone to the party would make Nathan think she had been lying about her excuse. The very fact Aggie wouldn’t be there at all may just help her story, plus did it matter what he thought anyway, she would probably never see him again. Under the cascading water Eve scrubbed the layers of makeup off her face. Removing the white, pore clogging paste had been a daily chore for the past three months. Eve had naturally dark skin which wasn’t ideal for playing a serving wench in Medieval England. The layers of powder and cream had suffocated her skin for three months now. With summer just beginning at home; she vowed to catch a few rays of UV to bring back her healthy glow, especially now that she had some time off.
Clean and dressed, Eve checked her reflection in the mirror; she had pulled her hair into a neat braid. The black shift dress covered the parts of her body she chose to hide. Eve knew she was pretty; it had been a burden in the care system. Girls had hated her; boys had wanted to bed her. As soon as her curves developed she had been a target, her ample breasts were always the talk of “Holly Tree” kids home. Sighing Eve pulled on her cardigan; she went to join the others in the rowdy minibus waiting outside.
The venue for the wrap party was a night club in the centre of Dublin; it was closed off to the public so they had the run of the place. In the dim light Eve made her way to through the throng of people, drinks were free tonight so she planned on having a couple of cocktails. Finding a vacant stool by the bar she read the endless list of drinks, she was astounded by some of the titles. There was no way Eve was going to ask a barman for a slippery nipple! Aware of someone behind her she felt her hairs prickle; closing her eyes she inhaled the musky scent.
“Sex on the beach is highly recommended” Eve blushed profusely as Nathan stood beside her,
“I thou
ght you stood me up for your little friend?” Blushing even more she explained to a sceptical Nathan about Aggie being ill. Eve was grateful when a girl from the costume department butted in. She had overheard their exchange and interrupted their conversation. She turned to the pair with drinks in her hand; she sent a flirty smile to Nathan and a scathing one to Eve.
“Poor Aggie she threw up in wardrobe this morning, it was just as we laced up her corset, took us an hour to get rid of the smell. She was white as a sheet; there would have been no need for whitening powder today” she giggled as she moved away flashing her eyes at Nathan flirtatiously. Eve rolled her eyes, he was a magnet for females, and their end of the bar was becoming rather overcrowded. Nathan ordered them two cosmopolitans and led her to a quiet corner, Eve hadn’t a clue why she followed him but he felt comfortable for her tonight.
“I am glad you came, even with Aggie sick, I have tried to speak to you for three months now. You are definitely the trickiest female I have ever met.” She smiled glad he had seen her as a challenge; it must have been a novelty for him; having a female avoiding him for once.
“I didn’t deliberately avoid you; I am just not the chatty type. Besides I have been so enamoured with Christopher Novak that you have been way off my radar” Nathan grinned nodding in understanding.
“I still pinch myself every day when he shouts orders at me, he has taken me on as his protégé and I couldn’t be happier. You know he wants to work more with you?” Eve almost spat out her drink
“You are kidding? Wow I would love to do more films with him. I feel like this has been such an education for me I can’t wait to do it again.” Eve pondered his comments whilst a skinny blonde made a pass at him; she glared at Eve who smiled wickedly back at her. Checking her watch she knew she would have to leave soon, especially as she had to fetch her cases from the house on the way. Once Nathan had dispensed with the blonde a red head appeared in her place, but before she could begin her seduction routine Nathan got to his feet dragging Eve with him.
“Come on let’s get out of here it is you I wanted to talk to and so far we haven’t had a minutes peace.” Eve giggled as she followed him to a limo outside, they jumped in and the driver set off for the mansion. Nathan relaxed into the leather giving Eve a moment to appraise his strong jaw line and cheekbones. His lips were full and his dark hair thick and wavy, a stray image of her running her fingers through it unwittingly popped into her brain. Nathan caught her gaze and she looked away embaressed at being caught out. Not wanting to look like one of his desperate fans she tried to come across as nonchalant.
“I have a flight to catch so if I could just get dropped off for my case that would be great; I already have a cab booked.” Nathan was studying her
“You are such a closed book Eve, I find that very exciting, and somewhat infuriating.” He smiled to himself as though recounting an event
“I loved the expression on your face when I smacked your rear today. I thought you were going to tip that jug of mead over me and we would have to do another take” Eve couldn’t help but laugh and then Nathan added.
“You know I wouldn’t have minded dragging the shoot out for another day” His meaning was obvious and Eve was momentarily taken aback, he really did like her. She felt sure it was the chase he found attractive. Eve would just have to make sure she dragged it out as long as possible; she was beginning to enjoy herself rather too much.
As the limo pulled up Nathan stepped out to assist her with her bags, he followed her into the hallway where all the bags were piled up. It took Eve a while to find hers but when she was organised they sat on the stairs to wait for her cab.
“I want to stay in touch with you Eve, where do you live?” She hesitated but chose to tell him the bare minimum
“Altrincham near Cheshire, I share a rental with my best friend Tara. She is a lecturer in historical literature and a general brain box” Nathan smiled
“She sounds like a good time girl” Eve was straight in defending her soul mate
“Tara has been the only person I have trusted since I was fifteen. She may be a swot but she is my swot, the only family I have ever known” too much information Eve thought to herself; he didn’t need to know about her past he would run for the hills. She could see that Nathan wanted to quiz her more so she changed the subject quickly.
“That sounds like my cab, give me your phone and I will put my contact number in for you” Nathan handed her his mobile and she deftly added her details. She was deliberately trying not to notice how many girl’s numbers were already on there. Really it was a miracle he kept track of them all. Eve was feeling reluctant to hand it back; she was tempted to delete herself. The last thing she wanted was to be a faceless contact on his little black book. The horn of the cab stirred her and she begrudgingly handed it over, his fingers touched hers causing a flush of heat in places that had long been cold. Dragging her two cases she walked to the doorway, and Nathan touched her arm briefly
“Thank you Eve; for trusting me with your phone number, I could tell it wasn’t easy for you.” He leant forward just as they were about to open the huge front door.
“I will call you soon, have a safe journey and don’t for one minute think that this will be the last time you see me. I am not going to stop trying to get beneath your layers Eve. You are without exception the most beautiful woman I have ever met; despite your attempts to disguise the fact.”
Eve now felt very self-conscious in her sack shaped dress and low heels. Eve closed her eyes as his lips pressed gently against her cheek. With her heart thudding and knees knocking she walked down to the taxi, smiling as she was driven away. Eve had no doubts that Nathan meant every word he just said to her. Surely though once he was back in his real world; the lure of his phone book would distract him once more. A vibration in her pocket made her jump; she smiled as she read his message
Are you missing me yet?
She had to admire his impudence so texted him back “Not yet, probably not ever” she switched off her phone and prepared herself for the long journey back to Cheshire and her reality.
Chapter 2
As Eve pushed open her front door she was greeted by a small kitten, bending down she scooped it up.
“Well where did you come from little one?” The tiny bundle of fur snuggled into the crook of her arm. Eve could hear movement from upstairs, it must be Sue, she was glad she hadn’t missed her.
Sue was Tara’s sister; she had come to stay and keep Tara company whilst Eve was away. Sue was an extrovert, the total opposite of her book worm sister. She lived life to the full, her wild pink hair and outrageous style made her unique.
Eve loved Sue; she was a few years older than the girls. She had been their role model at the care home; she was their protector and mum all rolled into one. Sue and Tara’s ended up in care because their parents had a volatile relationship. The girls were removed from their care for their own safety, they refused to be separated and so ended up at Holly Tree.
Sue had witnessed some of the violence; this had ultimately made her tough. Tara however had locked herself away; losing herself in books to drown out the screams from her mother. Once Sue had turned sixteen she had to leave the care home and enter a hostel, but she had still always been there for both of them.
“Hey Eve; I thought I would wait to say hello before I disappeared back up north. How was your trip?”
“The whole thing was amazing thanks; working with Christopher Novak was a dream. Where did this kitten come from is it yours?” Sue grinned
“Another of Tara’s strays I’m afraid she found it behind the bins at school.” Eve asked how the two of them had got along living together, they were very different characters. Tara had OCD; Eve had adapted to her ways and they fitted together nicely. Sue however was very untidy; luckily her boyfriend was very understanding doing his own ironing and washing. Sue believed housework was for down trodden women with no lives.
“I took Tara to stay with Joe and I
at our flat over the Easter holidays. Joe is now her number one fan, she alphabetised all his DVD’s, organised his sock drawers and cleaned so much that the flat looked like a show pad when she left.” They both smiled, Sue had planned that well, she could now have a year off cleaning!
“I must head off; my train is in fifteen minutes, you look exhausted too. Before I leave I have to ask; was Nathan Matheson as sexy in the flesh? I am so jealous you got to see him” Eve felt the heat fill her cheeks.
“Erm yes he is and actually you will never believe this but he tried it on with me! But obviously I had to decline, didn’t want to be yet another groupie! Seriously they follow him like flies on shit” Sue was standing with her mouth gaping open
“Eve! Firstly I am not surprised he asked you out as you are stunning, but girl you didn’t have to marry him or anything. Just please tell me you saw him naked or at least had a quick fumble. There isn’t a woman alive who would refuse that surely?” Eve shook her head and Sue pushed her jovially
“Jesus Eve you are one cold chick, an opportunity like that and you didn’t grab him with both hands..literally” They both burst out laughing. Sue grabbed her bags and hugged her warmly.
“Take care of my little boffin won’t you; she has missed you like crazy. Now get some kip you look like shit!” Eve closed the door behind her and went up to her bedroom. Sue was probably right; she should have tried to at least get a goodbye kiss from Nathan.
Entering her bedroom it was obvious Tara had readied her room for her. She had put a vase of flowers on her dresser and the place was spotless. Unpacking just the essentials, Eve slipped her pyjamas on to catch up on some rest, there was a mound of post on her bed but she would deal with that later.
She switched her mobile on just to check there were no urgent messages; to her horror there was a barrage of missed calls and messages. Groaning she waded through them, nine were Nathan sending her smiley faces and flirty one liner’s. The other sixteen were awful, some girl called Sasha threatening her to stay away from Nathan.